After reading a number of on-line articles on how to handle ‘data skew’ in one’s Spark cluster, I ran some experiments on my own ‘single JVM’ cluster to try out one of the techniques mentioned. This post presents the results, but before we get to those, I could not restrain myself from some nitpicking (below) about the definition of ‘skew’. You can quite easily skip the next section if you just want to get to the Spark techniques.
A Statistical Aside
Statistics defines a symmetric distribution as one in which the mean, median, and mode are all equal, and a skewed distribution as one where these properties do not hold. Many online resources use a conflicting definition of data skew, for example this one, which talks about skew in terms of “some data slices [having] more rows of a table than others”. We can’t use the traditional statistics definition of skew if our concern is unequal distribution of data across the partitions of our Spark tasks.
Consider a degenerate case where you have allocated 100 partitions to process a batch of data, and all the keys in that batch are from the same customer. Then, if we are using a hash or range partitioner, all records would be processed in one partition, while the other 99 would be idle. But clearly in this case the mean (average), the mode (most common value), and the median (the value ‘in the middle’ of the distribution) would all be the same. So, our data is not ‘skewed’ in the traditional sense, but definitely unequally distributed amongst our partitions. Perhaps a better term to use instead of ‘skewed’ would be ‘non-uniform’, but everyone uses ‘skewed’. So, fine. I will stop losing sleep over this and go with the data-processing literature usage of the term.
Techniques for Handling Data Skew
More Partitions
Increasing the number of partitions data may result in data associated with a given key being hashed into more partitions. However, this will likely not help when one or relatively few keys are dominant in the data. The following sections will discuss this technique in more detail.
Bump up spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold
Increasing the value of this setting will increase the likelihood that the Spark query engine chooses the BroadcastHashJoin strategy for joins in preference to the more data intensive SortMergeJoin. This involves transmitting the smaller to-be-joined table to each executor’s memory, then streaming the larger table and joining row-by-row. As the size of the smaller table increases, memory pressure will also increase, and the viability of this technique will decrease.
Iterative (Chunked) Broadcast Join
When your smaller table becomes prohibitively large it might be worth considering the approach of iteratively taking slices of your smaller (but not that small) table, broadcasting those, joining with the larger table, then unioning the result. Here is a talk that explains the details nicely.
Convert to RDDs using Custom Partitioners, Convert Back to Dataframe
This article illustrates the technique of converting each of the to-be-joined dataframes to pair RDD’s, and partitioning them with a custom partitioner that evenly spreads records across the available partitions.
Adding salt
Add ‘salt’ to the keys of your data set by mapping each key to a pair whose first element is the original key, and whose second element is a random integer in some range. For very frequently occurring keys the range would be larger than for keys which occur with average or lower frequency.
Say you had a table with data like the one below:
customerId itemOrdered Quantity
USGOV a-1 10 // frequently occurring
USGOV a-2 44 // frequently occurring
USGOV a-5 553// frequently occurring
small1 a-1 2
small1 a-1 4
small3 a-1 2
USGOV a-5 553// frequently occurring
small2 a-5 1
And you needed to join to a table of discounts to figure final price, like this:
customerId discountPercent
USGOV .010
small1 .001
small2 .001
small3 .002
You would add an additional salt column to both tables, then join on the customerId and the salt, with the modified input to the join appearing as shown below. Note that ‘USGOV’ records used to wind up in one partition, but now, with the salt added to the key they will likely end up in one of three partitions (‘salt range’ == 3.) The records associated with less frequently occurring keys will only get one salt value (‘salt range’ == 1), as we don’t need to ensure that they end up in different partitions.
customerId salt itemOrdered Quantity
USGOV 1 a-1 10
USGOV 2 a-2 44
USGOV 3 a-5 553
small1 1 a-1 2
small1 1 a-1 4
small3 1 a-1 2
USGOV 3 a-5 553
small2 1 a-5 1
To ensure the join works, the salt column needs to be added to the smaller table, and for each random salt value associated with higher frequency keys we need to add new records (note there are now three USGOV records.) This will add to the size of the smaller table, but often this will be out-weighed by the efficiency gained from not having a few partitions loaded up with a majority of the data to be processed.
customerId salt discountPercent
USGOV 1 .010
USGOV 2 .010
USGOV 3 .010
small1 1 .001
small2 1 .001
small3 1 .002
Adding More Partitions: Unhelpful When One Key Dominates
Before we look at code, lets consider a minimal contrived example where we have a data set of twelve records that needs to be distributed across our cluster, which we will accomplish by ‘mod’ing the key by the number of partitions. First consider a non-skewed data set where no key dominates, and 3 partitions. We see partition 0 gets filled with 5 items. While partition 2 get filled with three. This skewing is a result of the fact that we have very few partitions.
3 partitions: 0, 1, 2
distribute to partition via: key % 3
Uniform Data Set
key partition
* 0 0
1 1
2 2
* 3 0
4 1
5 2
* 6 0
7 1
8 2
* 9 0
10 1
* 12 0
Now, lets look at two skewed data sets, one in which one key (0) dominates, and another where the skewedness is the fault of two keys (0 and 12.) We will again partition by mod’ing by the number of available partitions. In both cases, partition 0 gets flooded with 8 of 12 records. Other partitions get only 2 records.
Skewed Data Set -- One Key (0) Dominates
key partition
* 0 0
* 0 0
* 0 0
1 1
2 2
* 3 0
4 1
5 2
* 6 0
* 0 0
* 0 0
* 0 0
Skewed Data Set -- No Single Key Dominates (0 & 12 occur most often)
key partition
* 0 0
* 0 0
* 0 0
1 1
2 2
* 3 0
4 1
5 2
* 6 0
* 12 0
* 12 0
* 12 0
Now let’s see what happens when we increase the number of partitions to 11, and distribute records across partitions by mod’ing by the same number. In the case where one key (0) dominates, we find that partition 0 still gets 7 out of 12 records. But when the ‘skew’ is spread across not one, but two keys (0 and 12), we find that only 3 out of 12 records end up in partition zero. This shows that the more ‘dominance’ is concentrated around a small set of keys (or one key, as often happens with nulls), the less we will benefit by simply adding partitions.
Skewed Data Set -- One Key (0) Dominates
key partition
* 0 0
* 0 0
* 0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
* 6 6
* 0 0
* 0 0
* 0 0
Skewed Data Set -- No Single Key Dominates (0/12 are most likely)
key partition
* 0 0
* 0 0
* 0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
12 1
12 1
12 1
Adding More Partitions: A Simple Test Program
The main processing component of the test program I developed to explore what happens with skewed data does a mapPartitionsWithIndex over each partition of a Pair RDD with each pair consisting of the key, followed by the value. The keys are generated by the KeyGenerator object which will always generate 100 keys, either as a uniform distribution from 1 to 100, or as two flavors of skewed distribution, both of which have 55 random keys. The ‘oneKeyDominant’ distribution augments the 55 random keys with 55 0’s, while the ‘not oneKeyDominant’ distribution uses 3 high frequency keys: 0, 2, and 4, occurring 18, 18, and 19 times, respectively.
At the beginning of the mapPartitionsWithIndex we start a timer so we can see how much time it takes to completely process each partition. As we iterate over each key we call ‘process’ which emulates some complex processing by sleeping for 50 milliseconds.
def process(key: (Int, Int), index: Int): Unit = {
println(s"processing $key in partition '$index'")
Thread.sleep(50) // Simulate processing w/ delay
(index, keyzIter) =>
val start = System.nanoTime()
keyzIter.foreach {
key =>
process(key, index)
val end = System.nanoTime()
s"processing of keys in partition '$index' took " +
s" ${(end-start) / (1000 * 1000)} milliseconds")
The full code is presented in full below. As long as you use Spark 2.2+ you should be able to run this code by copy/pasting into any existing Spark project you might have. To reproduce the results we report in the next section, you need to manually set these variables: numPartitions , useSkewed, oneKeyDominant before you launch the application.
import org.apache.spark.{HashPartitioner, SparkConf}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.util.Random
object KeyGenerator {
val random = new Random()
def getKeys(useSkewed: Boolean,
oneKeyDominant: Boolean) : immutable.Seq[Int] = {
def genKeys(howMany: Int,
lowerInclusive: Int,
upperExclusive: Int) = {
(1 to howMany).map{ i =>
lowerInclusive +
random.nextInt(upperExclusive - lowerInclusive)
val keys =
if (useSkewed) {
val skewedKeys =
if (oneKeyDominant)
Seq.fill(18)(0) ++ Seq.fill(18)(2) ++ Seq.fill(19)(4)
genKeys(45, 1, 45) ++ skewedKeys
else {
genKeys(100, 1, 100)
System.out.println("keys:" + keys);
System.out.println("keys size:" + keys.size);
object SaltedToPerfection extends App {
import KeyGenerator._
def runApp(numPartitions: Int,
useSkewed: Boolean,
oneKeyDominant: Boolean) = {
val keys: immutable.Seq[Int] = getKeys(useSkewed, oneKeyDominant)
val keysRdd: RDD[(Int, Int)] =
parallelize(keys).map(key => (key,key)). // to pair RDD
partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(numPartitions))
System.out.println("keyz.partitioner:" + keysRdd.partitioner)
System.out.println("keyz.size:" + keysRdd.partitions.length)
def process(key: (Int, Int), index: Int): Unit = {
println(s"processing $key in partition '$index'")
Thread.sleep(50) // Simulate processing w/ delay
(index, keyzIter) =>
val start = System.nanoTime()
keyzIter.foreach {
key =>
process(key, index)
val end = System.nanoTime()
s"processing of keys in partition '$index' took " +
s" ${(end-start) / (1000 * 1000)} milliseconds")
lazy val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
.setAppName("Learn Spark")
lazy val sparkSession = SparkSession
val numPartitions = 50
val useSkewed = true
val oneKeyDominant = true
runApp(numPartitions, useSkewed, oneKeyDominant)
Thread.sleep(1000 * 600) // 10 minutes sleep to explore with UI
Adding More Partitions: Test Results
The results obtained from running our test program accorded with the informal analysis we performed above on various cardinality=12 data sets, namely, that increasing the number of partitions is more helpful when more than one key dominates the distribution. When one key dominates, increasing partitions improved performance by 16% (see difference between runs 3 and 5), whereas when multiple keys dominate the distribution we saw an improvement of 29% (see difference between runs 2 and 4.)
Run Partitions Skew Job Duration
1 4 none 2.057556 s
2 4 multiple dominant keys 3.125907 s
3 4 one dominant key 4.045455 s
4 50 multiple dominant keys 2.217383 s
5 50 one dominant key 3.378734 s
Performance improvements obtained by increasing partitions (4->50)
one dominant key
Elapsed time difference between run 3 and 5
(4.045455 - 3.378734) / 4.045455 = 16%
multiple dominant keys
Elapsed time difference between run 2 and 4
(3.125907 - 2.217383) / 3.125907 = 29%