This post provides example usage of the Spark “lag” windowing function with a full code example of how “lag” can be used to find gaps in dates. Windowing and aggregate functions are similar in that each works on some kind of grouping criteria. The difference is that with aggregates Spark generates a unique value for each group, based on some calculation like computing the maximum value (within group) of some column. Windowing functions use grouping to compute a value for each record in the group.
For example, lets say you were a sports ball statistician that needs to calculate:
- for each team in league: the average number of goals scored by all players on that team
- for each player on each team: an ordering of players by top scorer, and for each player ‘P’, the delta between ‘P’ and the top scorer.
You could generate the first stat using groupBy and the ‘average’ aggregate function. Note that for each (by team) group, you get one value.
Team Player Goals
---- ------ -----
Joe 4 \
Bob 3 -> (4+3+2) /3 = 3
Mike 2 /
Lou 2 \
Pancho 4 -> (2+4+0) /3 = 2
Tim 0 /
Team Average
----- -------
Bears 3
Sharks 2
For the second stat (the delta) you would need the team max number of goals, and you need to subtract EACH individual player’s goals from that max.
So instead of ending up with two records (one for each team) that convey the max (per team) as done above, what you need to do here is calculate the max, m(T), for each team T (teamMax, in the snippet below) and then inject this max into the record corresponding to EACH member of team T. You would then compute the “delta” for each player on a given team T as the max for team T minus that player’s goals scored.
The associated code would look something like this:
.withColumn( "teamMax", max($"goals") .
.withColumn( "delta", $"teamMax" - $"goals")
.orderBy($"team", $"goals")
The full code example goes into more details of the usage. But conceptually, your inputs and outputs would look something like the following:
Team Player Goals
---- ------ -----
Joe 4 \
Bob 3 -> max(4,3,2) = 4
Mike 2 /
Lou 4 \
Pancho 2 -> max(2,4,0) = 4
Tim 0 /
Team Player Goals Delta
----- ------- ----- -----
Bears Joe 4 0 <--- We have 3 values
Bears Bob 3 1 <--- for each team.
Bears Mike 2 2 <--- One per player,
Sharks Lou 4 0 <--- not one value
Sharks Pancho 2 2 <--- for each team,
Sharks Tim 0 4 <--- as in previous example
Full Code Example
Now let’s look at a runnable example that makes use of the ‘lag’ function. For this one, let’s imagine we are managing our sports ball team and we need each player to regularly certify for non-use of anabolic steroids. For a given auditing period we will give any individual player a pass for one lapse (defined by an interval where a previous non-use certification has expired and a new certification has not entered into effect.) Two or more lapses, and Yooouuuu’re Out ! We give the complete code listing below, followed by a discussion.
package org
import java.io.PrintWriter
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
object DateDiffWithLagExample extends App {
lazy val sparkConf =
new SparkConf() .setAppName("SparkySpark") .setMaster("local[*]")
lazy val sparkSession =
SparkSession .builder() .config(sparkConf).getOrCreate()
val datafile = "/tmp/spark.lag.demo.txt"
import DemoDataSetup._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import sparkSession.implicits._
val schema = StructType(
"certification_number", IntegerType, false),
"player_id", IntegerType, false),
"certification_start_date_as_string", StringType, false),
"expiration_date_as_string", StringType, false)
val df =
val window =
val identifyLapsesDF = df
to_date($"expiration_date_as_string", "yyyy+MM-dd"))
to_date($"certification_start_date_as_string", "yyyy+MM-dd"))
lag($"expiration_date_as_string", 1, "9999+01-01" )
to_date($"expiration_date_of_previous_as_string", "yyyy+MM-dd"))
when(col("days_lapsed") > 0, 1) .otherwise(0))
val identifyLapsesOverThreshold =
sum("is_lapsed").where("sum(is_lapsed) > 1")
object DemoDataSetup {
def writeDemoDataToFile(filename: String): PrintWriter = {
val data =
// one liner to write string: not exception or encoding safe. for demo/testing only
new PrintWriter(filename) { write(data); close }
We begin by loading the input data below (only two players) via the
DemoDataSetup.writeDemoDataToFile method.
|cert_id|player|cert_start |cert_expires |
| 12384| 1| 2018+08-10| 2018+12-10|
| 83294| 1| 2017+06-03| 2017+10-03|
| 98234| 1| 2016+04-08| 2016+08-08|
| 24903| 2| 2018+05-08| 2018+07-08|
| 32843| 2| 2017+04-06| 2018+04-06|
| 9283| 2| 2016+04-07| 2017+04-07|
Next we construct three DataFrames. The first reads in the data (using a whacky non-standard date format just for kicks.) The second uses the window definition below
val window =
Window.partitionBy("player_id") .orderBy("expiration_date")
which groups records by player id, and orders records from earliest certification to latest. For each record this expression
lag($"expiration_date_as_string", 1, "9999+01-01" )
will ensure that for any given record listing the start date of a certification period we get the expiration date of the previous period. We use ‘datediff’ to calculate the days elapsed between the expiration of the previous cert and the effective start date of the cert for the current record. Then we use when/otherwise to mark a given player as is_lapsed if the days elapsed calculation between the current record’s start date and the previous record’s end date yielded a number greater than zero.
Finally, we compute a third DataFrame – identifyLapsesOverThreshold – which this time uses an aggregation (as opposed to windowing) function to
group by player id and see if any player’s sum of ‘is_lapsed’ flags is more than one.
The final culprit is player 1, who has two lapses and will thus be banished — should have just said No to steroids.
| player_id|sum(is_lapsed)|
| 1| 2|